
Higher Education English / ESL Conversation

Exemples de la nostra comunitat

10.000+ resultats de/d' 'higher education esl conversation'

Opinion Questions
Opinion Questions Cartes aleatòries
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Conversation Wheel
Conversation Wheel Ruleta
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Welcome Unit- Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!)
Welcome Unit- Wheel of Questions (ESL Getting to Know You!) Ruleta
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I wish.. - ESL Conversation
I wish.. - ESL Conversation Cartes aleatòries
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Conversation Starter
Conversation Starter Ruleta
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Fill in the blank
Fill in the blank Completa la frase
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Present Simple
Present Simple Qüestionari
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Icebreaker Original Tom Read Only
Icebreaker Original Tom Read Only Ruleta
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Die häufigsten irregulären und gemischten Verben im Perfekt
Die häufigsten irregulären und gemischten Verben im Perfekt Troba la parella
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random number 1-50
random number 1-50 Ruleta
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Simple Past Match Up
Simple Past Match Up Emparellar
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Passive Questions
Passive Questions Cartes aleatòries
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Lessico: La città
Lessico: La città Troba la parella
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Wie geht es dir? Wie geht es Ihnen?
Wie geht es dir? Wie geht es Ihnen? Emparellar
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Spin the Wheel Icebreaker!
Spin the Wheel Icebreaker! Ruleta
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Your random question of the day is...
Your random question of the day is... Ruleta
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Präpositionen mit Akkusativ, Dativ und Genitiv
Präpositionen mit Akkusativ, Dativ und Genitiv Endreç del grup
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Domande con i verbi riflessivi
Domande con i verbi riflessivi Cartes aleatòries
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Present Perfect VS Past Simple
Present Perfect VS Past Simple Qüestionari
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Random AP Conversation Practice
Random AP Conversation Practice Ruleta
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Conversation Starters for Kids
Conversation Starters for Kids Ruleta
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Conversation Wheel - Around School
Conversation Wheel - Around School Ruleta
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cardiovascular heart
cardiovascular heart Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Microsoft Features and Tools - Comptia A+ 1102
Microsoft Features and Tools - Comptia A+ 1102 Emparellar
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active or passive
active or passive Endreç del grup
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 Passive Voice speaking cards
Passive Voice speaking cards Cartes aleatòries
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Microsoft Features and Tools - CompTIA A+ 1102
Microsoft Features and Tools - CompTIA A+ 1102 Emparellar
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 2.1 Pr. Simple Vs Pr. Continuous SpeakOut pre-intermediate
2.1 Pr. Simple Vs Pr. Continuous SpeakOut pre-intermediate Qüestionari
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Verbo "ser"
Verbo "ser" Completa la frase
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 Le stagioni e l'abbigliamento
Le stagioni e l'abbigliamento Endreç del grup
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Passive. Grammar Transformation
Passive. Grammar Transformation Dóna la volta a les peces
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Gli Interrogativi
Gli Interrogativi Emparellar
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Cards Past Simple
Cards Past Simple Cartes aleatòries
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Professional or Unprofessional?
Professional or Unprofessional? Obre la capsa
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Question Wheel
Question Wheel Ruleta
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Tds random tower wheel
Tds random tower wheel Ruleta
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Executive Functioning Opening Activity
Executive Functioning Opening Activity Ruleta
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Random questions
Random questions Ruleta
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Il passato prossimo con AVERE
Il passato prossimo con AVERE Ruleta
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Commonly found CompTIA Ports
Commonly found CompTIA Ports Emparellar
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Perfekt mit haben und sein (Sag mal)
Perfekt mit haben und sein (Sag mal) Endreç del grup
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Past and Present & Future Tenses
Past and Present & Future Tenses Endreç del grup
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Job Interview Questions
Job Interview Questions Ruleta
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Akkusativ Objekte
Akkusativ Objekte Completa la frase
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Time/Self Management System Examples
Time/Self Management System Examples Endreç del grup
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Badezimmer Diagrama amb etiquetes
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New Year Conversations
New Year Conversations Ruleta
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Dinge in der Küche (Willkommen 8.3)
Dinge in der Küche (Willkommen 8.3) Diagrama amb etiquetes
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ESL Conversation Likes/Dislikes
ESL Conversation Likes/Dislikes Cartes aleatòries
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Conversational topics 1
Conversational topics 1 Ruleta
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Making Introductions Say it.
Making Introductions Say it. Ruleta
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Social Engineering - Comptia A+ 1102
Social Engineering - Comptia A+ 1102 Emparellar
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Road to Revolution Timeline
Road to Revolution Timeline Ordre de classificació
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Windows Commands - Comptia A+ 1102
Windows Commands - Comptia A+ 1102 Emparellar
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Linux Commands - CompTIA A+ 1102
Linux Commands - CompTIA A+ 1102 Emparellar
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Malware - Comptia A+ 1102
Malware - Comptia A+ 1102 Emparellar
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Yo-Go Verbs Actividad
Yo-Go Verbs Actividad Qüestionari
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Il cibo
Il cibo Sopa de lletres
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