Spelling Long vowels
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Long A - Ai / Ay
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Long U
Endreç del grup
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a)
Qüestionari de concurs
LLI Red 11 Long A
Endreç del grup
Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee)
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Long vowels
Completa la frase
long vowels
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Long Vowels
Persecució dins del laberint
long vowels
Endreç del grup
Long Vowels
Qüestionari d'imatges
Long Vowels
Cop al talp
Long vowels mazes
Persecució dins del laberint
Short Vowels and Long Vowels
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hit the moles with vowels
Cop al talp
Long Vowels - igh sentences
Qüestionari de concurs
long and short vowels
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Short and Long Vowels
Troba la parella
long vowels i_e - 3
Troba la parella
Long and Short Vowels Phonemic Awareness
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long and short vowels
Veritat o mentida
Unscramble these words with blends
mixed short / long vowels
long and short vowels
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Long Vowels i_e sentences
Short and Long Vowels
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Short and Long Vowels
Long vs Short vowels
Qüestionari de concurs
Short or Long Vowels?
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long and short vowels
Endreç del grup
Long Vowels - ea (Sentences)
Troba la parella
Long Vowels
Long Vowels
Long Vowels
RAZ - The Kind Knight (sequence story)
long /i/ word family lists
Endreç del grup
long /i/ sentences unjumble
Desfés l'embolic
long /i/ missing word sentences
Completa la frase
Long Vowels - y as long i sound
Long Vowels - y (long i sound)
Long Vowels - igh (task 2)
Long Vowels with Vowel Teams
Cartes aleatòries
Sorting Long vs. Short vowels
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Long vowels /a/ /i/ /o/
Obre la capsa
long /i/ compound words
Esclat de globus
long /i/ sort based on spelling patterns
Endreç del grup
Missing word sentences - long /a/
Cartes aleatòries
Long e spellings
Long E sound
Cop al talp
Which? -ck or -k??
Long Vowels- A or O
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Vowel Consonant e spelling pattern - long vowels
Qüestionari de concurs
Game Long O words
Endreç del grup
short and Long Vowels
Obre la capsa
Short vs. Long Vowels
Endreç del grup
Long and short vowels
Andrew's Long o Spellings
Long Vowels - igh (3)
Troba la parella
Long Vowels - oa (sentences)
Veritat o mentida