
Spelling Reading

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Barton 3.3 Read these Words
Barton 3.3 Read these Words Qüestionari de concurs
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Barton Book 3 Review
Barton Book 3 Review Qüestionari
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Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules
Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules Esclat de globus
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Barton Book 3 Review Sort
Barton Book 3 Review Sort Endreç del grup
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Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/ Qüestionari
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Barton 6-12 Consonant LE sort
Barton 6-12 Consonant LE sort Endreç del grup
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How to make Long A- Vowel Team?  "ai" or "ay" OR open "a"
How to make Long A- Vowel Team? "ai" or "ay" OR open "a" Qüestionari de concurs
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 After 4.14 - Spelling Review - Long U sound- vowel team "ue" or "ew" or Open "u"
After 4.14 - Spelling Review - Long U sound- vowel team "ue" or "ew" or Open "u" Qüestionari
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Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels Qüestionari de concurs
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Barton Level 8 Lesson 9 -Words with /OU/
Barton Level 8 Lesson 9 -Words with /OU/ Endreç del grup
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6.10  Dear Sweet Rule with DE, SE, and A+TION
6.10 Dear Sweet Rule with DE, SE, and A+TION Qüestionari
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Barton 4.2 Review: Which way does it go?
Barton 4.2 Review: Which way does it go? Qüestionari
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Barton 6.6 Dropping/Doubling Review
Barton 6.6 Dropping/Doubling Review Qüestionari
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Barton 3.11 (Kind Old Units- clues read by teacher)
Barton 3.11 (Kind Old Units- clues read by teacher) Penjat
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FIS lesson   /k/  & /g/
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/ Cop al talp
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Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 1
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 1 Emparellar
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8.1-8.2 Vocabulary, Read all answers, choose definition.
8.1-8.2 Vocabulary, Read all answers, choose definition. Obre la capsa
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Barton 8.1-8.4 - Spell me Endings
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Spell me Endings Penjat
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Barton Level 5.9 Sight Words
Barton Level 5.9 Sight Words Penjat
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Suffix Review Barton Level 5 Lesson 5 (5.5)
Suffix Review Barton Level 5 Lesson 5 (5.5) Qüestionari
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Barton Sight Words 6.4 ( Set 2 for Level 6)
Barton Sight Words 6.4 ( Set 2 for Level 6) Penjat
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Barton Level 6 Review with a focus on Consonant le
Barton Level 6 Review with a focus on Consonant le Qüestionari
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Barton sight words Level 4.1 + Friend and Please
Barton sight words Level 4.1 + Friend and Please Penjat
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Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW
Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW Qüestionari
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Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4)
Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4) Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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The Girl Who Twirled - Raz story sequencing
The Girl Who Twirled - Raz story sequencing Ordre de classificació
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Barton 3.10 Spelling Contractions
Barton 3.10 Spelling Contractions Penjat
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4.10 Banana Rule spelling quiz
4.10 Banana Rule spelling quiz Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
Barton Level 3 Spelling Rule Practice
Barton Level 3 Spelling Rule Practice Esclat de globus
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3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game)
3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game) Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
Barton 4.2 Spelling Rule Quiz
Barton 4.2 Spelling Rule Quiz Qüestionari
Level 3 Spelling Rule Review
Level 3 Spelling Rule Review Qüestionari
Level 3 Review: Spelling Rule Sort
Level 3 Review: Spelling Rule Sort Endreç del grup
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk Endreç del grup
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Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1 - 4.5
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1 - 4.5 Penjat
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Floss Rule
Floss Rule Cop al talp
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S or ES Sort Barton Level 5.1
S or ES Sort Barton Level 5.1 Endreç del grup
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Barton 3.10 Contractions
Barton 3.10 Contractions Emparellar
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6.11 Silent e units ... with picture clues
6.11 Silent e units ... with picture clues Qüestionari de concurs
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Barton 3.10 Cute Puppy Contraction Match Up
Barton 3.10 Cute Puppy Contraction Match Up Emparellar
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Barton Level 3.10 Spelling Contraction Words
Barton Level 3.10 Spelling Contraction Words Penjat
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Barton 8.5 Sight Word Hangman by Lukas
Barton 8.5 Sight Word Hangman by Lukas Penjat
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C/VC  CV/VC words
C/VC CV/VC words Qüestionari
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Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 2
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 2 Emparellar
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Barton 4.14 Vowel teams (Hink Pinks and riddles- teacher may need to read clue)
Barton 4.14 Vowel teams (Hink Pinks and riddles- teacher may need to read clue) Qüestionari d'imatges
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Barton 3.7 Milk Truck
Barton 3.7 Milk Truck Qüestionari de concurs
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prefix vs sufix
prefix vs sufix Endreç del grup
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Barton 3.06 Kiss the Cat
Barton 3.06 Kiss the Cat Qüestionari
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Barton 6.2 Long e rules
Barton 6.2 Long e rules Qüestionari
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6.7 IZE vs. ISE - Is it a suffix or part of the word?
6.7 IZE vs. ISE - Is it a suffix or part of the word? Qüestionari
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Barton 8.2 NT #1
Barton 8.2 NT #1 Penjat
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Barton 4.08 Compound Words
Barton 4.08 Compound Words Penjat
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Reading cards - suffix -ness
Reading cards - suffix -ness Cartes aleatòries
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Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Penjat
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Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE Penjat
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Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA Penjat
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Barton 4.6-4.10 Schwa Maze
Barton 4.6-4.10 Schwa Maze Persecució dins del laberint
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12/6/21-12/10/21- soft c & soft g
12/6/21-12/10/21- soft c & soft g Endreç del grup
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