This is an animal ___ lives in Africa., This is a website ____ you can find reviews of hotels and restaurants., This is a gadget ___ most people have., This is something ___ people eat for breakfast., This is a place ____ people go when it's hot., This is something _____ people wear when it's cold., This is a genre of film ____ young people enjoy., This is a TV program ____ adults like., This is a type of music ___ parents hate., This is an activity ____ I do before I go to school., They are people ___ wear strange clothes., This is something ___ English children wear to school., This is a part of body ___ some animals have but people don't have., This is a place ____ people meet at the weekend., This is an animal ___ some people keep as a pet..

Relative clauses (WW2 U4.7)

per en/la

Tauler de classificació

Cartes aleatòries és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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