Active: The doctor talked to him, My parents gave me a present, Some people laughed, Somebody told a story, She went to school in London, We clean house on Sundays , The florist arranges beautiful flowers every morning, Camille prepared the sandwiches this morning, Laura cleans her desk every morning, The mechanic fixes Stephanie's broken car, Bell invented the telephone in 1876, Passive: Guernica was painted by Picasso , English is spoken here, Olive oil is made from olives, The dog was walked every day , My towel was used by Sam, Lunch is served at half past one, Penicillin was discovered by accident , The car is washed on Monday , The walls are painted blue once a year, The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, The apples in the fridge were eaten last night, The bus was stopped for speeding on the highway,
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