Physical - includes exercise, good nutrition and staying away from drugs, Emotional - includes your self-esteem, coping skills, stress management, Intellectual - includes going to school, "exercising your mind" through learning new things,, Environmental - includes taking ownership of your surroundings so that they support overall well-being, Financial - includes setting up a saving account or retirement fund, Occupational - includes having a career that you are passionate about, Social - includes your family and friends. relationships with other people and how you communicate, Spiritual - includes a sense of purpose in life and believing in something that is bigger than you. , Interconnectedness - when dimensions impact one another, risk behavior - something that may threaten your health, health behavior - something that will improve your health, being stressed & overwhelmed - emotional health, managing money - financial health, hanging out with friends - social health, exercise - physical health , beliefs and values - spiritual health, positive surroundings - environmental health, studying for a test - intellectual health,
8 Dimensions of Health Review game
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