CAESURA - The use of punctuation to create a pause in a line of poetry, TONE - The mood or feelings suggested by the way the narrator writes, e.g. confident, thoughtful., OXYMORON - A phrase which appears to contradict itself, e.g. "living death"., ENJAMBMENT - When a sentence or phrase runs over from one line or stanza to the next., SIMILE - A way of describing something by comparing it to something else, usually by using the words "like" or "as"., ONOMATOPOEIA - A word that sounds like the thing it's describing., IMAGERY - Language that creates a picture in your mind. It includes figurative language techniques - metaphors, similes and personification., JUXTAPOSITION - When a poet puts two ideas, events, characters or descriptions close to each other to encourage the reader to contrast them. , STANZA - A group of lines in a poem., ALLITERATION - When words that are close together start with the same sound, e.g. "flowing flakes that flock".., BLANK VERSE - Poetry written in iambic pentameter that does not rhyme. , COLLOQUIAL - Sounding like everyday spoken language., METAPHOR - A way of describing something by saying that it is something else., VOLTA - A turning point in a poem, when the tone shifts dramatically., ASSONANCE - When words share the same vowel sounds but their consonants are different, e.g. "might fly our lives like paper kites"., CONSONANCE - Repetition of a consonant sound in nearby words, e.g. "numb as a smashed arm".,
Starter Activity - Poetic devices/terminology match up
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