1) How do you divide the syllables in remote? a) re-mote b) rem-ote c) r-emote d) remo-te 2) How do you divide the syllables in lobby? a) lo-bby b) lob-by c) lobb-y d) lob-b-y 3) How do you divide the syllables in menu? a) m-enu b) me-nu c) men-u d) menu 4) How do you divide the syllables in demolish? a) dem-olish b) dem-ol-ish c) de-mo-ish d) de-mol-ish 5) How do you divide the syllables in elastic? a) el-as-tic  b) e-last-ic  c) elas-tic  d) e-las-tic  6) How do you divide the syllables in calculate? a) calc-u-late  b) cal-cu-late  c) c-alcu-late  d) cal-cul-ate  7) How do you divide the syllables in lady? a) la-dy b) lad-y  c) l-ady d) lady 8) How do you divide the syllables in tulip? a) tulip b) tu-l-ip c) tul-ip d) tu-lip 9) How do you divide the syllables in volcano? a) vo-l-can-o b) vol-can-o c) vol-ca-no d) volcan-o 10) How do you divide the syllables in utensil? a) u-ten-sil b) ut-en-sil c) uten-sil  d) u-tens-il

Syllable Division Review Fundations Unit 7

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