1) What was Queen Esther's real name? a) Shayna b) Hadassi c) Hadassah d) Leah e) Esther f) Rosa 2) What is the capital of Shushan? a) Rome b) Mexico City c) Persia d) Shushan e) Chicago f) Manhatten 3) What was Esther's uncle's (some ppl say cousin) name? a) Mordy b) Nochum c) Pesach d) Mordechai e) Shimshi f) Haman 4) Who advised King Achashveirosh to kill Vashti? a) Bigsan b) Seresh c) Haman d) Mordechai e) Esther f) Vashti 5) What is something that all of the 4 mitzvos of purim have in common? a) They all end with a shin b) They all start with a mem c) They all have something to do with food d) They are all done at night 6) Why do we fast before purim? a) So we will be hungry for the Shalach Manos b) Esther had all of the jews fast to ask for Hashem's help c) It's getting so close to pesach and we absolutely MUST lose 5 pounds d) Because we need to sleep all day and if we eat we will be full and not be able to fall asleep e) Because then it will feel like it's taking longer for purim f) Just for fun 7) How are the names of the 10 sons of Haman read? a) By stomping every time one of the names are read b) By reading them  all in one breath c) By reading them in english, aramaic, and swahili d) By spitting each time a name's read e) by shaking our graggers f) By throwing wafers 8) To how many people do you need to give Mishloach Manot? a) 1 b) A minyan c) 2 d) The least number it takes not to feel guilty about e) As many as you can f) 35,756 9) How many different kinds of food should your misloach manos have? a) You don't need to put food, you can put air or chachkelach b) 2 c) 7 d) 10 e) It doesn't matter, but it at least needs to have cocoa f) At least the 3 main foods: chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate 10) What very very very special vessels did achashveirosh use for his party?????????????????????????????? a) Plastic b) Medal c) Glass d) Pottery - his servants made e) Tupperware, gladware, and bleedware f) Holy utensils from the beis hamikdash 11) On which day of the party did achashveirosh call for Vashti? a) 2nd b) 6th c) 4th d) 7th e) 1st f) 5th

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