If you were a teacher for a day, which subject would you want to teach? Why?, Talk about your favorite hobby. What makes this hobby your favorite?, What makes a person a good friend?, Would you consider yourself to be more of a shy (introverted) person or an outgoing (extroverted) person?, Who is your hero? What are their best qualities?, At what age would you like to live on your own?, What is your ultimate goal in life? , What is the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? What did it taste like?, Which possession do you cherish most? Why?, What was the last thing you bought with your own money?, If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?, What makes you feel most comforted when you feel stressed/sad?, Name three things you are grateful for in life. , What’s your greatest achievement so far?, What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done in your life?, Would you rather be 5 years younger or 5 years older?, Would you rather live on the beach or in the mountains? Why?, If it were up to you, how would you change the world?, Is it ever ok to lie? Why or why not?, What is one of your earliest memories?, What part of the day do you look forward to the most?, What has been your most embarrassing moment?, What do you love to do during your free time?, Which season is your favorite? Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer? , What is your favorite holiday to celebrate? What makes this holiday special?.
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