American astronouts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins became the first men to land on the moon. - July 1969, MTV, the first 24-hour cable network dedicated to airing music videos, was launched - August 1981, Nineteen terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center - September 2001, Musician John Lennon was assassinated outside a hotel in New York City - December 1980, October Revolution in Russia - 1917, Fall of Constantinople - 1453, Civil War in the USA - 1861-1865 19th century , President Richard Nixon became the first and only President to resign from office - August 1974, Mongols invade Kievan Rus - 1237-1240, Ivan IV—or Ivan the Terrible—becomes the first czar of Russia. - 1547-1584, Joseph Stalin becomes dictator - 1929-1953, The Soviet Union launches Sputnik I - Oct. 4, 1957, Vladimir Putin is elected president - March 26, 2000, The FBI announces an investigation into possible Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer system - July 25, 2016,
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