Professional: Using kind words toward a teammate, Speaking with accountable talk, Raising your hand in a video meeting, Celebrating a teammate’s win, Sharing school related content, A profile picture with my best, smiling self, Puts personal devices away in office hours, A post in complete sentences with vocabulary and correct grammar , A post that is on topic, Seated in my home office spot, Closes social media during school time, Slanting the screen in video meetings, Unprofessional: Writing/speaking with profanity or slang words, Interrupting someone speaking in a video meeting, Telling someone their post is dumb, Putting a teammate down or laughing at them., Sharing content related to gangs, violence or that is off topic., Posting images or words that makes fun of someone with a disability., Shares a photo of a friend to the group without their permission., Records a school video meeting on their personal phone., Take pictures of teammates or teachers during video meetings., A profile picture that is not of themselves or makes fun of someone., A profile picture that shows inappropriate hand gestures., A profile picture that relates to gangs or violence.,
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