What is your telephone number?, What is your home address?, What is/are your parent/s name/s?, What is the name of your brother or sister?, When is your birthday?, What is your full name?, What is the name of your school?, How old are you?, Do you have allergies?, What is your teacher's name?, What is your favorite color?, What is your favorite food?, Do you have a pet?, What is your favorite fruit?, What is your favorite vegetable?, What is your favorite sport?, What is your favorite snack?, What is your favorite drink?, Who is your favorite superhero?, What is the name of your grandma or grandpa?, What is your favorite dessert? , What do you like to eat for breakfast?, What do you like to eat for lunch?, What do you like to eat for dinner?, Who is your favorite classmate?, Who is your favorite teacher?, What is your favorite subject?, What is your least favorite subject?, What's your favorite animal?, What are your classmates' names?, What is your classroom's room number?, What shoe brand are you wearing?, What did you eat for breakfast this morning?, What did you eat for dinner last night?, What did you have for lunch yesterday?, Do you shower in the morning or at night?, Do you brush your teeth in the morning?, What is your favorite holiday?, What is your favorite candy?, How are you feeling this morning?, What is the weather like this morning?, What season are we in right now?, What do you wear on a sunny day?, What do you wear on a rainy day?, What do you wear on a cold day?, What is your pet's name?, What do you feed your pet?, Do you help wash the dishes at home?, Do you help do the laundry at home?, Do you help throw the garbage at home?.
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