A law says that anybody who detonates a nuclear device within the city limits is liable for a fine of $500., It is illegal to make funny faces at a dog. You can be fined, arrested, or jailed, It is still illegal for a man who has garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath to sleep with his wife, Flushing a toilet after 10 pm is forbidden in some apartment blocks., A wife needs her husband’s permission to wear false teeth., You are not allowed to let your pet befriend any pet from the royal family., Chickens are not allowed to cross the road., Don't cut down a cactus, otherwise you could be sentenced to 25 years in prison., It’s illegal to attend a public event or use public transport within 4 hours of eating onions or garlic., It's Illegal to hike naked in Switzerland. You can be fined more than $100 , Don't feed pigeons or you could face fines of up to €700., Don't wear your Winnie the Pooh T-Shirt in Poland, It is illegal to fly a kite in a public space if it bothers another person in Australia (Victoria). , It's illegal to be shirtless in Barcelona. You can be fined up to 260 euro, You cannot die without a pre-purchased burial plot in France.

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