If you touch a hot iron, ..., You might catch a cold if you ..., If I were 10 years older, ..., If I could become a hero of any fairy tale, I..., If I had chosen another university or another major, I..., If electricity hadn't been invented, ..., If there weren't any religions in our world, what would it look like?, If you could choose a country where you were born, what would it be?, If Columbus hadn't discovered America, people..., If all people around the world still thought the Earth was flat, we..., If the USSR hadn't broken, we..., If you had a crying baby on your hands, a ringing phone and someone knocked on the door, in what order would you do things..., If there were only 2 types of cars, zshiguly and tavria, which would you choose?, If you are hungry and tired, will you choose to eat or to sleep? Why?, You will definitely get angry if..., You would jump for joy* (скакать от радости) if... , If Michael Jackson hadn't died..., If I hadn't bought my smartphone..., If the weather is nice this weekend..., If I could learn something really fast..., If someone made me a very expensive present..., In case a police officer stops me..., I'd be richer today if..., If I had listened to my mom..., When\If I get a job abroad..., If I were you..., Supposing I lived in England..., If I were Batman \ Spiderman... .
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