Where should your Disaster Kit be located?, Name 2 types of food that should be in your Disaster Kit, Name 3 items besides food that should be in your Disaster Kit, Why should you have copies of your insurance cards in your Disaster Kit?, Where is the closest shelter for your location?, What government agencies assist those effected by a disaster?, Name 2 non-government agencies who assist those effected by a disaster?, What is your disaster plan for your pet(s)? NOTE: Most shelters do not allow pets, Do you know your area's evacuation route?, Why is cash a good item to have in your Disaster Kit?, How much water to do you need per person per day in an emergency?, What can you use in your house to hold water for washing dishes or flushing the toilet?, Do you have a weather radio? , What weather alert apps do you have on your phone?, What Virginia government website can you find a disaster checklist?, When is Virginia's Tax free weekend? Why is this important to know?, What is the age at which you can become an American Red Cross Disaster Relief Volunteer?, How long until food becomes inedible in a refrigerator without power? Freezer? , What is the difference between a weather watch & a warning?, What should you do for a Flash Flood Warning?, What should you do if you see a flooded roadway?, What should you do for a Tornado Warning?, What do you do if you are in your vehicle during a tornado?, What do you do if you are swept away in a fast current?, Finish the statement: When lightening roars, ........
Disaster Preparedness
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