What is your favorite video game?, When is your birthday? And ask 2 friends!, How many pets do you have? And ask a friend!, Where is your favorite place to buy clothes?, Name one of your favorite places to eat., How many siblings do you have?, What is your favorite TV show? + Ask someone else with brown hair!, If you could travel to any other country outside of the U.S., where would you go?, Name something you're afraid of., Name a talent you have or something that you're good at., Name 3 things that you look for in a good friend., What is your favorite dessert? And ask a classmate!, What is your dream job? Why?, Name one of your favorite songs, & ask a friend!, What's something you wish you were good or better at?, If you could meet any celebrity, who would you meet?, Who is your favorite superhero? Why?, Name a few of your favorite hobbies., What is your favorite season? Why?, Name one of your favorite books you've read., Name your favorite sport. And ask a classmate!, What is your favorite dessert? And ask a friend!.
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