1) Which biomolecule provides short-term energy for organisms? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 2) Which biomolecule provides long-term, stored energy for organisms? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 3) Which biomolecule codes for proteins a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 4) Which biomolecule carries the genetic code? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 5) Which biomolecule helps control the rate of reactions (enzymes)? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 6) Which biomolecule is the worker of the cell, meaning there are many of them and they carry out different jobs coded for by DNA? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 7) Which biomolecule helps build muscle and tissue? a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Nucleic Acids d) Proteins 8) What is the purpose of an enzyme? a) energy molecule b) speeds up chemical reactions c) slows down chemical reactions d) carries genetic code 9) Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by ... a) lowering the activation energy of a reaction b) raising the activation energy of a reaction 10) Where does a substrate fit into an enzyme? a) product site b) substrate site c) active site d) hole 11) Which of the following affects the function of proteins a) temperature b) pH c)  substrate concentration d) enzyme concentration 12) Enzymes (proteins) function (job) is dependent on their shape. What happens when they denature or loose their shape? a) the enzyme will not function b) the enzyme will still work 13) Enzymes are specific to their substrate (the reactant that fits into the enzyme)? a) true b) false 14) At what temperature does this enzyme function best? a) 25 b) 30 c) 35 d) 40

Biomolecules and Enzymes Game

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