1) The use of symbols to represent ideas a) Bias b) During World War II, women were encourage to join the workforce c) Symbolism d) Lil' Wayne endorses Trump 2) Display of favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another. a) Uncle Sam b) Bias c) Symbolism d) Lil' Wayne endorses Trump 3) Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, and/or a government a) During World War II, women were encourage to join the workforce b) Propaganda c) Help feed the soldiers that are protecting you! d) Coke is better than Pepsi 4) Example of Symbolism a) Coke is better than Pepsi b) uses facts in a way that favors a particular product, idea, or candidate c) using an unpleasant label or description to harm a person, group, or product. d) Uncle Sam 5) Example of bias a) Bias b) Coke is better than Pepsi c) words that sound good but have little real meaning d) Symbolism 6) Example of propaganda a) designed to show people that the candidate is one of them b) Help feed the soldiers that are protecting you! c) Uncle Sam d) Propaganda 7) Example of Testimonial. a) Lil' Wayne endorses Trump b) designed to show people that the candidate is one of them c) Coke is better than Pepsi d) words that sound good but have little real meaning 8) Example of Bandwagon a) words that sound good but have little real meaning b) designed to show people that the candidate is one of them c) Coke is better than Pepsi d) During World War II, women were encourage to join the workforce 9) Example of Name Calling a) Propaganda b) uses facts in a way that favors a particular product, idea, or candidate c) Lil' Wayne endorses Trump d) using a negative label or description to harm a person, group, or product. 10) Example of Glittering Generalities a) Coke is better than Pepsi b) During World War II, women were encourage to join the workforce c) using an unpleasant label or description to harm a person, group, or product. d) words that sound good but have little real meaning 11) Example of card stacking a) Coke is better than Pepsi b) words that sound good but have little real meaning c) uses positive facts in a way that favors a particular product, idea, or candidate d) sharing negative comments 12) Example of Plain-Folk appeal a) designed to show people that the candidate is one of them b) using an unpleasant label or description to harm a person, group, or product. c) Help feed the soldiers that are protecting you! d) During World War II, women were encourage to join the workforce
Maze Chase - Symbolism, Bias and Propaganda
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