the Constitution - What is the supreme law of the land?, What does the Constitution do? - 1.sets up the government 2.defines the government 3. protects basic rights of Americans., We the people - What are the first 3 words of the Constitution?, a change (to the constitution) or an addition to (the constitution) - What is an amendment?, the Bill of Rights - What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?, What freedoms are listed in the First Amendment? - speech, religion, assembly, press, petition the government, 27 - How many amendments does the Constitution have?, announced our independence, declared our independence, and said that the United States is free - What did the Declaration of Independence do?, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness - What rights are listed in the Declaration of Independence?, You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion - What is freedom of religion?, What is the economic system in the U. S.? - Market economy, capitalist economy, What is the "rule of law"? - Everyone must obey the law, even leaders and the government. No one is above the law.,
U.S. Citizenship Test #1
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