Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren? Explain why. , Would you rather have more time or more money? Explain why., Would you rather have NOSY neighbors or NOISY neighbors? Explain why., Would you rather be able to talk with animals or speak all foreign languages? Explain why., Would you rather win the lottery or live to 150 years? Explain why., Would you rather be without your car for two weeks or without your phone for two weeks? Explain why., Would you rather go deep-sea diving in the ocean or sky-diving with a parachute? Explain why., Would you rather lose your house and car keys or your cell phone? Explain why., Would you rather have a full-time cook (chef) or a full-time maid? Explain why., Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist athlete or a Nobel Peace Prize winner? Explain why., Would you rather have to sew all of your clothes or grow all of your food? Explain why., Would you rather spend the day with your favorite sports athlete or your favorite movie star? Explain why., Would you rather have many good friends or one very best friend? Explain why., Would you rather live in Antarctica or the Sahara Desert? Explain why., Would you rather be 4 feet 7 inches or 7 feet 7 inches? Explain why., Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love, or rich and work at a job that is boring? Explain why., Would you rather have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lose your luggage? Explain why., Would you rather travel around the US to see everything in a motorhome or by plane? Explain why., Would you rather spend 3 days in a luxury hotel or camping in a tent surrounded by beautiful scenery? Explain why..
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