fumble, scrabble, giggle, mumble, bundle, crumble, sprinkle, twinkle, jumble, paddle, juggle, sample, puzzle, able, settle, trundle, marble, whistle, dribble, handle, trifle, Lemon and honey can truly make a sore throat feel a "trifle" better (+1 point), The purple overnight case with the brass handle cost me a lot of money. (+1 point), An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (+1 point), The marble slid off of the shelf and hit the little dog, right on his back. (+1 point), Mrs. Marple said, "Oh, honey, would you like to go to the vet?" (+1 point), Mom lit the candle on the birthday cake, one by one. (+1 point), My money slid off of the table. Quick! Don't let it drop or it will wake up Mrs. Wible, who is sleeping in the trundle bed. (+2 points), puzzle, muzzle, razzle, gargle, stifle, Boom! Lose 2 points!, Boom! Lose 1 point!, Kaboom! Give 2 points to each player., Kaboom! Give 3 points to one other player., Yippee!! Take 2 points from each player., Yippee!! Take 3 points from one other player!.
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