Playing video games is a good way to ______________________________., When starting homework is it better to start with the hardest or easiest assignment/subject?, Does socializing/sleeping/sports count as part of your time management schedule?, What are some distractions you should try to eliminate?, Give an example of how to organize your daily assignments., "This isn't due for a long time" is an example of _________________________________., Noting if an assignment is "urgent", "important" or "can wait is an example of __________________?, What tool can you use to help you track your responsibilities for the day, week, month?, Name 2 "time wasters"., What can you do to when taking a short break while doing homework?, Example of how to break down a large assignments., Name one way time management can help you, Name some of the things you need to schedule in time for every day, False security is an example of __________________________________, Give an example of how to organize your time, What would you write on a "to do" list?, Running out of time can cause you to feel __________________________, What is time management?, Cramming for a test can cause _________________________, Name a major distraction you struggle with..
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