empire - a group of territories or people under one ruler, irrigation - the artificial supply of water to agricultural land in areas that receive little rainfall, agriculture - another word for farming that includes raising and harvesting crops and farm animals, Neolithic Revolution - the change of the way of life of communities from hunters and gatherers to agriculture and settlement, city-state - a small independent area that governs itself independently separate from neighboring countries, nomad - a person who typically lives in tents and moves from place to place in search of food, civilization - a group of people, living together in an area with their own government, economics and language and way of life, fertile crescent - Mesopotamia or the cradle of civilization; a boomerang shaped civilization along the fertile Tigris, Euphrates and Nile river valleys of the Middle East, ziggurat - an ancient Mesopotamian stepped temple tower located in the center of cities and used as place of worship, pyramid - large structures with a square base and triangular sides such as in Egypt built as tombs for pharoahs, cultural diffusion - the spread of people, food, beliefs and activities from one area of people to another, hunter-gatherer - one who gathers food by hunting, fishing or foraging rather than farming, monarchy - a form of government that has a single, hereditary ruler such as a king or queen, theocracy - a form of government ruled by religious leaders, hieroglyphics - a writing system that uses pictures and symbols instead of letters and words, Sanskrit - ancient sacred language found in Hinduism, monotheism - belief in only one God, polytheism - Belief in more than one god,
Rise of River Valley Civilizations
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10th Grade
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