Relationship-Based Care Training for Trainers - This training series provides rationale and guidance for implementing relationship-based care in family child care homes and child care centers that serve infants, toddlers, and their families., Trauma-Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers in Child Care: TFT - This training series provides rationale and guidance for implementing trauma-responsive care in child care settings that serve infants, toddlers, and their families. , Developing ITSNs: Technical Assistance Guide for States and Territories - This guide to help states and territories develop and implement networks of infant and toddler specialists, Strengthening State & Territory Infant/Toddler Child Care System Policies & Practices Tool - This instrument is designed to support State child care leaders and I/T stakeholders as they assess, prioritize, plan, implement, and evaluate State policies to strengthen the quality of child care services that infants, toddlers, and their families receive. The tool also aims to assist I/T child care leaders as they create strategies, policies, protocols, and systems., State & Territory Approaches to Improving the Quality of Infant/Toddler Care - This resource is a snapshot of examples of states' and territories' activities to promote infant/toddler care quality. , Infant and Toddler Resource Guide - This website offers a host of materials to support the development and implementation of policies and practices for high-quality care for infants and toddlers. Whether you are a Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Administrator developing policies, a child care provider seeking information and guidance, or a professional development provider seeking innovative training materials, this site is for you.,
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