commemoration (of the Second World War) (n) - an action, or a ceremony, etc. that makes people remember an important person or event in the past, crippled (by sth) (adj) - damaged and unable to operate effectively, incur debts/losses/costs (v) - to start to owe money for sth, resistance movement (n) - a movement fighting (for freedom, etc), often secretly or illegally, against an invader in an occupied country or against the country's government, etc., untenable to continue - impossible to continue because of serious problems, opposition, or criticism, workforce (n) - all the people in a country or an area who are available for work, sow the seeds of (v) - to start; be a root or initial cause of sth, welfare system (n) - a system that provides assistance to individuals and families in need , state intervention (n) - government actions to influence the way financial markets or particular industries operate, kick-start a process (v) - to do what is necessary to help it start or develop more quickly, difficult to get one's head round sth - difficult to understand sth, affect sb adversely - to change sb in a way that is negative and unpleasant, catalyst (n) - sth or sb that causes an important change or event to happen, spark (n) - a small action or event that causes sth to happen, esp. trouble or violence,
Outcomes A, Unit 12, Presenting History, Listening Vocab
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