Physician - Someone who treats and diagnoses patients., Therapist - Someone who assists patients with mental health concerns., Occupational Therapist - Someone who helps patients recover from injuries and illness through the use of everyday activities. , Registered Nurse - Someone trained in providing direct care to those who are sick or injured. , Chiropractor - Someone who helps patients to realign the bones. , Psychiatrist - A doctor who assesses and helps treat those with mental health concerns. , Massage Therapist - Someone who uses touch to manipulate muscles in the body. , Pediatrician - A physician that specializes in children. , Physical Therapist - Someone who helps patients recover from illness or injuries by working out different muscles to build strength in otherwise weak areas., Pharmacist - Someone who is in charge of dispensing prescription medications to patients and medical facilities., Phlebotomist - Someone who draws blood for donations, transfusions, tests and research., Radiologist - Someone who uses X-Rays or other high energy radiation. , Orthodontist - Someone who is qualified to treat irregularities in the teeth and jaws. , Speech - Language Pathologist - Someone who diagnoses and treats those with communication disorders, such as lisps and stutters. , Dietitian - An expert in nutrition who helps patients create specialized dietary plans. , Anesthesiologist - A medical professional responsible for prescribing and administering anesthesia to patients. , Optometrist - A doctor in charge of assessing a person's vision and eye health. , Podiatrist - Someone who treats the feet and their ailments. , Obstetrician - A doctor who helps pregnant women before and after the birth of their babies. , Respiratory Therapist - Someone who helps patients who have difficulty breathing. ,
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