Are there _______of restaurants in your town or city? - a lot, How _______ planets do you think have life on them? - many, What are _______ of your favourite English words? - a few, What is something you have too _______ of? - much, Is there _______ of traffic where you live? - a lot, Can you ever have too _______ money? - much, How _______ hours of TV do you watch a day? - many, Do you get _______ sleep? - enough, Does the teacher assign _______ of homework in this class? - a lot, How _______ friends are too _______? - many, many, Do you think most people have _______ money to buy what they want? - enough, How _______ English words do you know that start with the letter Z? - many, Do you have _______ confidence to speak in public? - enough, What is something you can never have too _______ of? - much, What is something you have too _______ of? - much, Do you get _______sleep? - enough, How _______ free time do you have? - much, Do you think most people have _______ time to enjoy themselves? - enough,
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