brick-and-mortar - a physical building, online retailers - businesses that sell products and/or services online, retail - the process of selling products and/or services to customers in order to earn a profit, retailer - a business or person that sells products and/or services to customers, customers - shoppers, or people who purchase goods or services from a business, goods - tangible products or merchandise, merchandise - products, or physical goods that are bought and sold, such as food, clothes, and household items, services - intangible, offers to do something in exchange for payment, including lawn-mowing, babysitting, hair styling, ride-sharing, video streaming, etc., retail ecosystem - an interconnected system of approaches designed to meet the goal of retailing, which is to provide customers with the merchandise and services they want--when, where, and how they want to experience and purchase them, channel - a format or option for retail, including brick and mortar stores, direct or phone sales, online or "ecommerce" sites, apps, etc., multichannel retail - a type of retail ecosystem where the provider has multiple channels for customers to shop, but the different channels aren't connected to each other, omnichannel retail - a type of retail ecosystem where all the channels are integrated, buyer - the person who decides what merchandise to sell, wholesaler - a person or entity that buys large quantities of products directly from the manufacturer and then sells smaller amounts of the products to different retailers, franchise - a business that results when license is granted to another entity to sell a compny's products or services in a particular area, distribution center - a warehouse or other specialized building which is stocked with products to be redistributed to retailers, to wholesalers, or directly to consumers, independent retail ownership - typically a single store or a small, regional chain; these retailers are able to tailor their offerings to meet the needs of local customers, corporation - a business owned by shareholders through publicly traded stock. These retailers usually have centralized decision-making for its multiple store locations, private company - ownership is usually limited to a single or small number of owner investors, these businesses can be large companies with many retail locations and centralized business operations, geotargeting - using a customer's location information, such as their zip code or IP address, to provide personalized, customized product and service offers,
1.1: What is Retail?
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