1) אֶרֶץ a) land b) birthplace c) house d) father e) nation f) name 2) מוֹלֶדֶת a) birthplace b) house c) father d) nation e) name f) family 3) בַּיִת a) house b) father c) nation d) name e) family f) earth/ground 4) אָב a) father b) nation c) name d) family e) earth/ground f) tent 5) גוֹי a) nation b) name c) family d) earth/ground e) tent f) wife/woman 6) שֵׁם a) name b) family c) earth/ground d) tent e) wife/woman f) place 7) מִשְׁפָּחָה a) family b) earth/ground c) tent d) wife/woman e) place f) son, (age of) 8) אֲדָמָה a) earth/ground b) tent c) wife/woman d) place e) son, (age of) f) seed/children 9) אוֹהֶל a) tent b) wife/woman c) place d) son, (age of) e) seed/children f) brother 10) אִשָׁה a) wife/woman b) place c) son, (age of) d) seed/children e) brother f) year 11) מָקוֹם a) place b) son, (age of) c) seed/children d) brother e) year f) mountain 12) בֵּן a) son, (age of) b) seed/children c) brother d) year e) mountain f) altar/mizbeach 13) זֶרַע a) seed/children b) brother c) year d) mountain e) altar/mizbeach f) to 14) אַח a) brother b) year c) mountain d) altar/mizbeach e) to f) all 15) שָׁנָה a) year b) mountain c) altar/mizbeach d) to e) all f) with 16) הַר a) mountain b) altar/mizbeach c) to d) all e) with f) that 17) מִזְבֵּחַ a) mizbeach b) to c) all d) with e) that f) until 18) אֶל a) to b) all c) with d) that e) until f) this 19) כָּל a) all b) with c) that d) until e) this f) there 20) עִם a) with b) that c) until d) this e) there f) no translation, (with) 21) אֲשֶׁר a) that b) until c) this d) there e) no translation, (with) f) no translation 22) עַד a) until b) this c) there d) no translation, (with) e) no translation f) with 23) זֶה זֹאת a) this b) there c) no translation, (with) d) no translation e) with f) years 24) שָׁם a) there b) no translation, (with) c) no translation d) with e) years f) possessions 25) אֶת a) no translation, (with) b) no translation c) with d) years e) possessions f) life, person 26) אֹת_ a) no translation b) with c) years d) possessions e) life, person f) hunger 27) אִתּ_ a) with b) years c) possessions d) life, person e) hunger f) that, because, (if, perhaps, rather) 28) שָׁנִים a) years b) possessions c) life, person d) hunger e) that, because, (if, perhaps, rather) f) heavy, hard 29) רְכוּשׁ a) possessions b) life, person c) hunger d) that, because, (if, perhaps, rather) e) heavy, hard f) here, behold 30) נֶפֶשׁ a) life, person b) hunger c) that, because, (if, perhaps, rather) d) heavy, hard e) here, behold f) now, please
Milim 1-30 2nd 2021
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