Mutualism - both organisms are helped, Species - similar organisms can reproduce, predator - hunts and kills other animals for food, producers - make their own food, ecosystem - interacting organisms both living and nonliving examples: pond, ocean, food chain - plant-----grasshopper----bunny-----fox, habitat - where an organism lives, Omnivore - eats both plants and animals, Tertiary Consumer - a carnivore that eats secondary consumers, Biotic - living things, Photosyntheis - how plants make their own food, Secondary Consumers - Eat primary consumers, Herbivore - eat only plants , Prey - animals eaten by predators, invasive species - organisms that come into an ecosystem and harm it, Commensalism - one organism is helped, the other is neither helped or harmed, Heterotroph - another name for a consumer (herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, detrivore), Autotroph - another name for a producer, Decomposers - break down dead plants and animals into nutrients for the soil, Limiting factor - a factor that limits the population from increasing too much, Invididual - a single organism, population - a group of species of the same species , abiotic - non-living, Quaternary Consumer - eat tertiary consumer (apex predators), Biome - many ecosystems that share similar climate and organisms, Carrying Capactiy - amount of organisms an ecosystem can support, Carnivore - eats only animals, food web - many food chains together, Parasitism - when one organism is harmed and one is helped, Detrivore - eat only dead things (scavengers),
Ecosystem Vocabulary
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7th Grade
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