What do you think happened? , What is the problem? What might happen next?, How does the girl feel? Why?, What is about to happen? How do you know?, What are they doing? What just happened?, What just happened? How do you know?, What is happening? How do they feel about it?, What happened? What will happen next?, What happened? What should the man do?, How does he feel? How do you know?, What do you think just happened? How do you know?, How does this person feel? What do you think happened?, What just happened? How do you know?, How does she feel? WHY?, What happened? How do you know?, What happened? What do you think will happen next?, How does this person feel? What do you think she is thinking about?, What is happening? How does each person feel?, What is happening in this picture? How does the crowd feel?, What happened? What should she do next?.
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