1) A list of steps to finish a task. a) bug b) programming c) binary d) algorithm e) command f) conditionals 2) Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program. a) binary b) debugging c) conditionals d) event e) function f) input 3) The action of doing something over and over again. a) output b) conditionals c) input d) loop e) function f) debugging 4) The art of creating a program a) run program b) conditionals c) debugging d) repeat e) programming f) function 5) Cause the computer to execute the command you've written in your program. a) degbugging b) conditional c) repeat d) run program e) function f) output 6) A way to give information to a computer a) input b) output c) conditionals d) function e) run program f) loop 7) A way of representing information using only two options a) conditionals b) bug c) input d) output e) algorithm f) binary 8) Statements that only run under certain conditions a) input b) debugging c) binary d) conditionals e) algorithm f) output

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Estil visual


Canvia de fonament

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