Resize Column - Change the size of the column to fit information inside the cell., Resize Row - Change the size of the row to fit information inside the cell., Spreadsheet - A place to organize information using columns and rows (tables)., Insert Column - Used to add a column to the left or right of the are you have selected., Insert Row - Used to add a row to the top or bottom of the are you have selected., Autofill - The blue square on the bottom right corner of a cell that lets you automatically fill in formulas to more cells., Cell - A cell on a spreadsheet; a rectangular spot on your sheet where a column and a row meet., Align - Buttons that allow you to move text or numbers in a cell to the left, center, or right., Undo/Redo - Buttons that allow you to go back or go forward in time in case you made a mistake, Find and Replace - Tool that allows you to search for specific words in order replace them with something else., Format as Currency - Button that changes or formats numbers to look like money with the dollar sign and correct decimal places for cents., Formula - a mathematical equation like sum, add, subtract, etc., Alternating Colors - This will change the color of every other row (between two colors) to a different color so its easier to read., Average - A formula used to get an average of several numbers., Sum - A formula used to add numbers together, Row - A collection of cells on a spreadsheet that go horizontally (left and right) labeled with numbers.., Column - A collection of cells on a spreadsheet that go vertically (up and down) labeled with letters.,
Google Sheets 4.1 & 4.2 Match Up
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