I got a chill from that bad draft., Peg swept the rug with the brush. , Did you have any shrimp?, He slept in the tent., She has many red plants., I will print on the pad., Jack felt his leg twist., Brad will blend that drink., Russ slept on the cot., We must stand to sing many songs. , The blimp did not go fast at all. , Ben twists off many lids. , They can rest and get some drinks. , Get some stamps now?, You can chop the stump down. , The tot crept to her dad. , How did the skunks smell?, The skunk stinks!, I sat down on the clump of grass. , How many pranks did they do?, She printed our tests., He is spending our cash., Dad twisted the lids off. , Frank is swinging on our swing. , He drifted out on the pond. , I am thinking about my class. ,
Unit 10 Sentence Fix-Up
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1st Grade
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