Atmosphere - A thin layer of gasses surrounding Earth, Atmosphere composition - 78% Nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% others, Atmospheric pressure - The pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere, Atmospheric density - decreases with altitude, Atmospheric warming - The gradual rise of the average temperature of the atmosphere near he surface of the earth, boundaries - Differences in temperature separate each atmospheric layer, Troposphere - the lowest layer of the atmosphere, wind - moving air caused by unequal heating of the Earth's surface, moisture - water vapor, clouds - a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, stratosphere - the second lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. Contains the Ozone layer, Ozone layer - Protective layer in the atmosphere that shields earth from UV radiation, Mesosphere - 3rd layer of the atmosphere, coldest layer, protects the Earth, Thermosphere - The uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases, Ionosphere - included in the mesosphere and thermosphere, particles become electrically charged, Exosphere - air is very thin, satellites orbit here, Magnetosphere - Earth's magnetic field,
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