a storm made up of strong, swirling winds - What is a tornado?, They are formed out of a powerful thunderstorm called a supercell. - How do tornadoes formed?, It looks like a spinning cloud in a funnel shape. - What does a tornado look like?, An alert by a meteorologist when thunderstorms may create a tornado. - What is a tornado watch?, An alert by a meteorologist when a tornado has been spotted in the area. - What is a tornado warning?, A cone shaped cloud that turns into a tornado when it touches the ground. - What is a funnel cloud?, a weak tornado over water - What is a water spout?, pieces of ice that fall from the sky - What is hail?, a scientist who studies weather - What is a meteorologist?, Scientists use the Fujita Scale (F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5) to rank tornadoes. - How do they rank tornadoes?, a twister - What is another name for a tornado?, mainly in April, May, and June - When is tornado season?, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota - What states are in tornado alley?, Texas - What state has had the most tornadoes?, They can last seconds to hours. - How long do most tornadoes last?,
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