If you had a theme song that began every time you entered a room, what song would you want it to be?, Who is your favorite team?, What would your dream retirement be?, What is the best animal?, Would you rather fight one horse-sized chicken, or 15 chicken-sized horses?, Who would play you in the movie about your life?, If you could only listen to 20 songs for the rest of your life, what would be the first 2 songs on your list?, If you could snap your fingers and learn any one thing instantly, what would you learn?, How do you describe your sense of humor?, What’s the worst job you have ever had?, How long does it take you to go through a gallon of milk?, Have you ever been alone and done something so embarrassing, you had to laugh at yourself?, How much did a gallon of gas cost the first time you remember noticing the price?, What is the most awkward thing you have had to discuss with a subordinate?, If you could have one superpower, what would it be?, Where is your favorite place to eat?, How would your enemy describe you?, If you were a pizza delivery person, but there were no cars, how would you deliver your pizzas?, If you inherited an elephant and were not able to sell it or give it away, what would you do with it?, If you had to eliminate one of the 50 United States, which one would it be?.
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