balance (n.) - the amount of money in your account, withdrawal (n.) - money you take from your account, debit card (n.) - a card that is connected to a checking or savings account, transaction (n.) - when money goes from one place/person to another, deposit (n.) - money put into your account, savings account (n.) - an account where you save money, checking account (n.) - an account you can write checks from, fee (n.) - extra money you pay the bank, check (n.) - piece of paper used to pay someone, bank statement (n.) - a document with information about your account, interest (n.)  - the extra money you pay for borrowing money, APR / Annual Percentage Rate (n.)  - how much interest you pay for the year, credit card (n.) - a card that lets you use borrowed money, owe (v.) - need to pay someone back, repay (v.) - return someone’s money, loan (n.)  - money someone loaned, minimum payment (n.)  - the smallest amount you can repay without a problem, bill (n.) - a document that says how much you need to pay,

Banking & Credit Vocabulary Quiz

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Tauler de classificació

Emparellar és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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