Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn't like at all? How did you react? , What would you do if your car broke down in the middle of nowhere and your phone battery had ran down as well?, Which is harder: breaking up with someone or having someone breaking up with you? Why?, What was the last time you ran into someone you hadn't seen in a long time?, Talk about a movie/book/series that didn't live up to your expectations., What would you do if you came into a lot of money?, Talk about an occasion in which you came up with the solution for a problem., When you have a test, are you one of those who go over the answer several times or do you trust your first choice?, Would you go along with lying to help a friend? Why?, Have you ever gone against your principles for love? If so, what happened? If not, would you?, How do you feel when people go through your stuff? Why?, What are you looking forward to doing in the near future?, Talk about the last time you had to make up an excuse., Talk about a person you know who can put their ideas across very well., Talk about something you can't put up with., Have you ran out of something lately?, Would you like to set up a business of our own if you could?, Talk about an activity you'd like to take up if you had time..
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