The need to win at all costs in all situations, The desire to add your two-cents to every discussion, Passing judgement and imposing our standards onto others, Making destructive comments, needless sarcasm, and cutting remarks, Overuse negative qualifiers such as "no", "but", and "however", The need to show people we're smarter than they think we are, Speaking when angry and using emotional volatility as a management tool, The need to share negative thoughts even when not asked, The refusal to share information to maintain an advantage over others, The inability to recognize and reward , Claiming credit that is not deserved, Making excuses for annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so others must deal with it, Deflect blame away from self and onto events and people from the past, Playing favorites , Refusing to express regret and admit when a mistake is made, Passive listening, Blames everyone else involved but self, Exalting faults as virtues because "that's just who I am", Goal obsession at the expense of a larger mission , Attacking those who trying to help you.
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