astro - Greek for star, etymology - The study of a word's history, root word - The base or main word that gives meaning, prefix - A syllable or word that comes BEFORE a root word, suffix - A syllable or word that comes AFTER a root word, Greek - The language of the country of Greece, Latin - The language of the ancient city of Rome and the Romans., bio - Greek for life, geo - Greek for earth, graph - Greek for write, logy - Greek for study of, meter - Greek for measure, scope - Greek for look or see, peri - Greek for around or near, tele - Greek for far away, phon - Greek for sound, tri - Greek for three, mono - Greek for one, pent - Greek for five, oct - Greek for eight, dec - Greek for ten, athlon - Greek for contest, hydro - Greek for water, cycl - Greek for wheel or cycle, dem - Greek for people, biblio - Greek for book, anthropo - Greek for human being, derm - Greek for skin, phil - Greek for love, chron - Greek for time,
Vedh's Greek roots review
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Greek roots
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