Present Simple: I live in the city centre, things that happen always or usually, Present Continuous: He's looking for a new job, I'm leaving tomorrow, things that are happening now, things that we have arranged for the future, Past Simple: We saw a good film last night, finished action in the past, Past Continuous: What were you doing at 7.00?, Actions that were in progress at a past time, be going to + inf.: I'm going to see Tom tonight, Look! It's going to rain!, future plans, predictions when we know / can see what's going to happen, will / won't + inf.: You'll love New York, I'll phone her later, I'll help you, I'll pay you back tomorrow, predictions, instant decisions, offers, promises, Present Perfect: I've finished the book, Have you ever been to Paris?, recently finished actions (don't say when), past experience,
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite
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English File Pre-Intermediate
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Future Simple
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