称心如意 - after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory; everything one could wish, 心灵手巧 - good with one's hands, 习俗 - custom; convention, 表达 - to convey; to express, 也好.....也好 - construction mean "whether A or B". It is usually spoken to show indifference when faced with two options or when the choice really doesn't matter., 鹊桥 - the bridge of magpies, 喜鹊 - magpie, 哭泣 - weep; cry; sob, 天河 - Milky way, 隔开 - separate, 金簪 - golden hairpin, 凡人 - mortal, 人间 - man's world; the world, 王母娘娘 - Empress Wangmu (the queen of heaven), 种地 - cultivate land, 织布 - to weave cloth, 幸福 - happiness; well-being, 结婚 - to get married, 仙女 - fairy, 嫂子 - sister in law (Older brother), 放牛人 - cowman, 古代 - ancient times, 浪漫 - romantic, 流传千古 - spread through the ages, 家喻户晓 - known to every household; known to all, 起源 - origin, 掌握 - grasp; master, 源远流长 - Has a long history, 并 - and, 博大精深 - of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship,



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