semi - half, anti - opposite;against, auto - self, multi - more than one, poly - many;much, dec/deca - ten, kilo - one thousand, centi - one hundred, ation/ion/ition/tion - act of; state of; result of, able/ible - can be done, ive/ative/itive - tending; toward an action, logy/ology - science of; one who studies, ject - to throw, struct - to build, vid/vis - to see, jur/juris - jury; juror, log/logue - word or study, path - feeling; suffering, ast/astr - star, mit/miss - to send, aud - hear; listen, dict - to say; to speak, cred - to believe, flect/flex - to bend,

5th Grade Greek/Latin Roots

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