pastry blender - This item is used to cut-in fats into dry ingredients, slotted spoon - This items is used to serve solids from a soup, while leaving the broth behind, rubber scraper - Used to clean the sides of a bowl or fold in solids into a batter, turner - Used for serving or flipping food, peeler - Used to remove the peel from fruits and vegetables, rolling pin - Used to shape and flatten dough, leveling spatula - Used to spread icing or frosting and flattening out measured ingredients, colander - Used to strain foods or rinse fruits and vegetables, strainer - Used to remove solids from liquids or vice versa. May also be used for sifting flour/sugar, sifter - Used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients, pastry brush - Used to spread butter, oil, or glaze onto foods, whisk - Used to mix foods together or incorporate air into foods, liquid measuring cup - Used to measure liquids, dry measuring cup - Used to measure dry ingredients, measuring spoon - Used to measure small amounts of ingredients, grater - Used to grate foods into smaller pieces, garlic press - Used to mince garlic (the cheater way...), dough hook - Used on the stand mixers to make mixing dough easy! , chefs knife - Used to cut fruits, vegetables, and meats, biscuit cutter - Used to create the perfect sized biscuit, every time! ,
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