Positive Thoughts: , I can do hard things., I'm not giving up., I believe in myself., It will all work out okay., I can make it through this., I can handle whatever happens., I can do it., I will learn from my mistakes., I tried my best., I can ask for help., I can figure things out., Be strong., It's going to be okay., Someday, things will get better., I will try harder next time., I don't have to be perfect., , , , Negative Thoughts: , , , , I have to be perfect., Nothing I do matters., Nothing I do ever works out., I hate my life., Things will never get better., It's stupid to even try., Everyone else is better than me., I can't do this., This is too hard., People will always hurt me if I trust them., I never win., Nobody likes me., Bad things always happen to me., I never get what I want., I can't trust people., ,
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