1) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) bubble b) effort c) stripe d) teach e) apple f) hammer 2) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) taken b) shallow c) begger d) doodle e) follow f) critter 3) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) school b) coffee c) breakfast d) brutal e) pepper f) collect 4) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) accident b) matter c) hello d) puppy e) gossip f) dragon 5) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) giant b) village c) attic d) splice e) fatter f) after 6) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) blossom b) keyboard c) pencil d) zipper e) message f) common 7) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) tardy b) pollute c) slipper d) dessert e) button f) sharpen 8) Attack the word with a double consonant! Break the words into syllables out loud. a) shopper b) flatten c) gorgeous d) tomorrow e) gross f) willow

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