POSTERIOR HIP PRECAUTIONS: Keep knees lower than hips while sitting, Do not rotate operated leg inward, Keep toes and knees pointed straight ahead, Do not twist upper body while standing, Sleep on back for first 6 weeks, Avoid rolling/lying on unoperated side for 6 weeks, Do not lift knees higher than hip, ANTERIOR HIP PRECAUTIONS: Avoid combined motion of bending the hip and turning foot in, Do not step or bend backward, Avoid lying on stomach, Avoid excessive leg separation, Do not externally rotate surgical leg, Do not point toe outwards, Sleep with pillow between legs, and when turning, Can lay on surgical side , SPINAL PRECAUTIONS: Avoid bending forward or backward at the waist, Do not life more than 10 pounds, Avoid twisting neck or back, Keep shoulders and hips aligned, Use log roll method to get out of bed, Avoid pulling yourself/or being pulled , Do not pull up on handrails , Avoid reaching, CARDIAC AND STERNAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not reach arms over head, out to side, or behind back, Do not push or pull with arms, Keep elbows close to your side, To get out of bed lie on back and scoot to edge of bed, bending knees ,
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