Political Impact: Development of kingdoms as The Catholic Church lost power, feudalism began to die out due to lack of population. , Large kingdoms began to consolidate under one king. The feudal lords did not have to focus on protection since the king provided peace, so they began to focus on gaining wealth in the new market style economy., Machiavelli-wrote The Prince to explain how a ruler can keep power. In the end he indicates that the “ends justify the means” and a ruler must be both powerful and cunning., It became a political guide for most rulers that…it is better to be feared than loved., Intellectual/Artistic Impact: Beginning of literature and art that is based on human situation rather than on religious motifs. , Shakespeare is the best example of literature since his plays are all based on human emotions and the importance of the individual., Artistically- Da Vinci & Michelangelo are best examples. , Many of the subjects of paintings and statues are of religious themes, but they also begin to portray the individual as important (Mona Lisa, etc.) , Michelangelo’s religious subjects take on more human characteristics (The Pieta)., Economic Impact: Trade from the east provides strong support for development of markets and market economics in Europe at this time., Tradesmen and artisans also fit into the new market system., Religious Impact: Most important change is the Reformation and the beginning of Protestant religions, Colonization in the New World began due to religious intolerance in many areas in Europe., Cultural Impact: The belief in secularism and humanism was not approved by the Church., As individuals became more educated and they began to question more., The Church was not used to being questioned but rather indicating what the rules were., This new interest in the individual and life on earth, was frowned upon by the Church., This questioning would lead to the Reformation as Martin Luther began to question why indulgences were sold through the Church.,
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